Support at the workplace

This is how people in different roles can help victims of domestic abuse.

Support at the work

  • Express support and empathy

  • Provide practical support

  • Assist the victim in gaining confidence to speak with their manager or HR team, to report problems & to seek professional support

Trade Union Representative
  • Advocate for workplace support measures

  • Act as an intermediary between employees and HR / managers

  • Raise awareness and educate members

Human resources
  • Provide advice about supporting people experiencing DA to employees and business leaders

  • Raise awareness of the issue and introduce / offer training

  • Develop and implement a workplace policy / procedures on domestic abuse

  • Implement the organization's policy and guidance on supporting employees experiencing DA

  • Encourage disclosure and discussion of abuse in line with the guidance

  • Signpost to internal and external services

Support for victims of domestic abuse should not depend on only one person. Rather, we should form a network of people who help as they can, depending on their capabilities and their relationship with the victim.

Remember, Domestic Abuse is a community issue. So we should always think about community solutions.

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