Local services near you

Don't know what support services exist? Here's a list of support options as well as a list of support services by federal states.

In this directory, we refer to support services offered on official web pages or in our contact with these institutions.

The services available in each organisation listed here might vary over time. In some cases, there could be resources beyond what we sum up here. In others, specific services might not be available at a certain time. We do our best to keep this directory updated.

However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for here. Let them help you find what you or the people you are supporting need. They are here to help and won’t turn you away!

What support is there?

In addition to the support services listed here, we can also recommend the information brochure on police, criminal and civil law options for protection in the event of/against domestic violence from BIG e.V., which lists all structural support services in a concise manner.

  • Counselling and Psychological or Emotional support: have a conversation with a professional who can help you understand your situation and help you process what is happening to you. These people are there to listen to you and help you find the path that best fits your needs. They will also help you find out what services and options are available to you depending on your situation.

  • Legal services: get support and counselling from a specialised lawyer. They can tell you which regulations apply to your particular situation, help you navigate interactions with the police or other institutions, and assist during legal proceedings.

  • Full risk assessment and safety planning: do a risk assessment to evaluate your situation, the likelihood of future violence, and the potential for harm. Then make a safety plan to explore your options and figure out what is the best path for you.

  • Shelter: find accommodation in a shelter if you need to leave your house. These shelters offer you a place to stay where you are safe and can get back on your feet.

  • Financial support: get financial help to get out of violent or controlling situations. This might include covering the costs of moving or of settling in somewhere new.

National services

Here are some national counselling services you can access regardless of your location:

Map of local services

Here are some websites that help you in finding local services near you:

Cannot find services near you here?

Our list only includes services by federal state for now. However, to find services near you, you can google domestic abuse support [area].

Last updated